Students from all around the world could apply between the 7th November and 14th December to be part of ISWI 2025.
Students from Ilmenau can still apply!
As a participant you’ll be able to join all events during ISWI and meet lots of new people from around the world. Here you’ll get all information on how to apply to become a participant!
You must be at least 18 years old and be a student or recently graduated one semester ago at the time of the conference (June 12th 2025).
We can only accept applications in English since the conference language is English.
The deadline for applications is the 7th December 2025 (at 11:59 pm Central European Time).
Do not copy any texts from the Internet, books, friends or other sources. Mark every quotation and state the source. Applications containing plagiarism will not be taken into consideration!
Also students from TU Ilmenau are encouraged to apply!